Mounting for Presentation
I have been taught about the value of presentation. A fabulous painting or lovely drawing will be better “seen” by others if it well presented. This may mean framing, or I may choose mounting for presentation. Mounting an artwork to a board or panel may be more appropriate. I don’t want my work behind glass, and framing is a lot of overhead for an artist. Professional framing is expensive, and do it yourself framing requires skill, time, and tools.
With some drawings and paintings I mount the original work directly on a board or a panel. If it is on paper, I will seal it with acrylic medium or wax. This is not archival, but I am not making great art for posterity. The surface will be delicate/fragile, but so what? Art will be hung up for viewing, not handled daily like a toy or a tool! It will be up to the owners to care for it as they see fit.
When I mount archival prints of my work, I may not resist the urge to enhance them. Even a very good print will not have the impact of the original work if the original has dimensional impasto or collage elements. So when I mount an archival print, I may do a bit more to improve the presentation. Here is one example:

You can see on the left the archival print, just positioned on the painted canvas board prior to mounting. At right is the mounted print with enhancements. Note that I took the photos in different lighting so the colors appear different. Really the overall colors are much the same.
What is different: I added a tiny hint of dimension to the print, using acrylic medium & translucent color. I added to the leaves and another spot where the original work has dimension. The main change was is on the mounting panel: I extended a hint of the branches out beyond the print. This felt necessary because I mounted the print on a larger panel, so the background distracted me from the actual print. I like it better with this additional level of presentation. It is not just a weaker copy of the original, but something a bit different and new.