Not So Much New
I have not so much new work to show from recent weeks. But I am working! Please note that I will have work on exhibit at the Art Farm Gallery on Saturday 10/12! Every art lover is welcome to this most excellent party event; just come with interest in fine art, stay to visit, to taste a few great snacks, and to enjoy some fine music!
I am slow doing anything these days, and have many things to keep me busy. It took me several days to prepare for this fine art event. In doing so, I started some significant “housekeeping” in my studio. The time has finally come to clean out some detritus, complete unfinished work or destroy it, and gift away anything I no longer use.
So I embellished & enhanced several older incomplete artworks, especially pieces from my printmaking days at Corvidae Press. Some have even been mounted and made ready to hang. Others may be combined to create finished works.
Sometimes bigger changes are needed! My work area was no longer serving me well, with changes in use and changes in my life. So I tackled this by relocating my primary work table, along with carts of tools & materials. Thank goodness for wheeled storage! Another part of the other work is cleaning out some older materials that I don’t seem to use; there is so much great stuff to pass on to others!
I am also trying to shrink my “office” storage that surrounds my computer! Perhaps I can discard bank & card statements that are 10 years old??? Well, my own ambition just amazes me!
Here are some of the newly finished/reworked prints, along with one new piece that I have not posted previously, called “Memories with Fork”:

So not so much new is relative: some things are renewed!