Attaching Figures for The Struggles to Rise
I am finally attaching figures for The Struggles to Rise today! Two of the base panels are ready, and two figures are attached. Panel One: In the Sudan is all but complete, in fact. I may do a bit of touch up before the final clear coat, and I do need to add hanging wire, but otherwise I am finished.
I am mounting these so that the panels can be displayed on a horizontal surface OR hung on wall. I think they should work in either orientation, although I feel they must hung fairly high, at least above head height for good display.
My figure is attached on Panel Two, but the epoxy is still curing. Also I have a couple of heavy rusted metal items I want to attach, and this will be a bit of challenge. I may drill and remove a bit of the panel in so these can be inset and more securely fixed in place. I think they are too heavy to just surface mount.

Update: the mounting on my second panel is complete. I drilled holes behind the figure and the two heavier rusted metal objects so they are securely attached. I have been tweaking and fussing with the built up black & gold areas, and am fairly satisfied. I expect to check and perhaps double up the acrylic medium soaked wrap around the sides of both panels, but will try to resist any further modifications to the actual artwork. That can be difficult!
Panel number three may be a watery panel rather than an urban panel. TBD!