Attempts to Capture Wabi Sabi
I have been taking and sharing some photos in which I attempt to capture some aspects of Wabi Sabi. I won’t even try to define or clarify the concept here. Instead I will talk about a few of these photos, and some of the feelings & ideas the scenes evoke for me.
In general the photos all create a certain gut reaction that includes a bit of sadness or nostalgia for what has been or what might have been. The colors, the shapes, the light, and the objects themselves all speak to me about time passing, things changing, fading, or lost.
When the scene include man made objects, I look for faded colors, peeling paint, rust, or other patinas from age and weather to display passage of time, and perhaps sadness.
Sometimes recognizable objects will evoke angst, fear, or absence by their nature. An empty chair or a bare tree, speaks of absence or loss. Fallen leaves, faded flowers, and more will bring up memories, sweet or sad. Thorns or wire fences refer to places we cannot go, or maybe a place we could be trapped within.
Shadows and light contribute significantly to any good photo. Long shadows evoke winter and/or evening, and so contribute a sense of time passing.

These images are attempts to capture Wabi Sabi. You may not have same feelings when you look at them. There are so many thoughts about Wabi Sabi photography. If you are interested, join a Facebook group for sharing photos and ideas about Wabi Sabi. I have joined two, and I love many of the images published in both groups. There are many different interpretations of the term and concepts, of course.
I am also enjoying another photography group, Happenstantial Art. Some of the images there have an aspect of Wabi Sabi also.
I will probably continue my attempts to capture Wabi Sabi. So you can expect to see more of these photos featured in my gallery and here.