OK, it is done: I have entered three prints in the Corvidae Press sponsored juried show Printmaker’s Hand III (September at Northwind Arts Center). This involved much agonizing: none of my entries were accepted last time, and it is the same juror. Oh well, just $45 & much stress 🙂
Update: none of these submissions were accepted 🙁 Very depressing!
After my first try at poly litho with this new drawing was so unsatisfactory, I cleaned & redrew both poly litho plates, using a micron pen this time (not a fat “ultra fine” sharpie!).
The micron pen seems to work well: I have to be very aware of the lines blending with the laser toner but the plate charges (with ink) very quickly. But I think this pen, like the sharpie, will not hold up well when cleaned, so I may have two editions of only four prints from each plate … I was too short of time to print more with the show deadline today.
I used a new tin of Dark Umber, rather than the old black ink used on the first plates. This was nice, not as stiff, so I did not need the burnt plate oil amendment or have to work the ink quite as much!
This gave me time to do the color mono print work. This time I painted the color directly onto one of the poly litho plates, which made registration a breeze! It was a bit of an experimental rush job, but I like the effect. I will probably add color to a couple more of the prints, maybe with that red dress although not sure with the brown ink.