Incorporate the Past in my Present
UPDATE: I have rearranged and mounted these plates!
I do like to use up older are pieces, unfinished work, small parts, and retired printing plates to make new work. I may keep these stashed in my studio for years, but sometimes it is time to empty a drawer or box. It is time to incorporate the past in my present, to make this sound a bit more important!
I have a small collection of shellac and mat board plates made long ago in & after a workshop on making printing plates from affordable materials. We made etching and collograph plates using mat board, shellac, and found materials. These small plates, colored by amber shellac, and stained with printing ink, are very pleasing, so I have kept them all these years.
Now it is time to incorporate them in a new work, and I (almost) have a plan. In the process I do have this new digital work:

My goal is to permanently mount this set of small mat board plates to this sanded copper plate to create my finished work. I think a two part epoxy may be the best adhesive to use. This will be my technique to incorporate the past in my present!