New Mods to Old Work
I continue to file, finish, overwork? or discard older work that I am retrieving from my large flat file drawers. If you look, you can find so much art work badly stored, languishing out of sit and out of mind! My goal is to change this.
This change happens now. I continue to examine old work, with the intent to evaluate each and every item in my overstuffed drawers. The best work will move into the new portfolios for safer storage, but other work will move to my work table for new mods to old work. A few items will not make the cut, and I will add them to the discard pile on the floor. Oh, and my circle cutters will “chomp” on some of these “artworks”.
One significant change I have made to a number of old prints and drawings that I don’t love is “chomp” them up with my two circle cutters. I now have a lot of circles! I have previously used on LED light strings with some success. These look good when the lights are off, and add a bit of fun & color when the lights are turned on. Recently I have been using some of my many circles on or with unfinished work: ghost prints, scraps, or pieces that I just got bored with before finishing them. I am having fun, and even making some improvements…
Do these qualify as collage? Well that depends on who you ask!
Let me know if you enjoy any of my rework, or any of my blog posts!
Circles are my latest new mods to old work.