Studio Tour was Lovely
I really worked to get ready, and Studio Tour was lovely. With some 50-55 visitors during the one day event, I stayed busy. And most were enthusiastic and ready to engage with me about my work and my process.
I received many compliments on my studio, which is very much a display space as well as being my working studio. In addition to displaying my own work, I surround myself with favorite found objects. There are arrangements and displays of shells, fine beach pebbles, old souvenirs & jewelry, odd mangled and stained scraps and interesting broken things. I arrange these to amuse myself, and to have them available for use in my artwork someday. Visitors generally enjoy my habit of arranging these into displays… 🙂 Or at least they are amazed by it!
I had a few works in progress during the tour, but no quiet time to work on them. I was busy greeting and talking with visitors. However I have managed to complete three of these over the past week. I even put together some parts already at hand for a small commissioned light fixture. Two works are simple collages of pressed autumn leaves, one is an assemblage in a drawer, and the commissioned lit piece uses translucent beach stones in resin.

Studio tour did not result in any major sales. I did sell a book, a few scarab beetle people, and one or two small works. I failed to prepare a price list for various standalone artworks although I know that many people hesitate to ask the price. Another marketing mistake was no sign-in book. Unfortunately I was to busy to collect the names of a few visitors who expressed an interest in a particular artwork.
Marketing is really NOT my strong suit! And I stayed busy enough to be distracted…
However sales are not my primary motives for making art or opening my studio. I love doing the work, and I love showing my work in my studio. In an open studio I can talk to people face to face, more or less one on one. It was a wonderful day for me: Studio Tour was lovely.