Walking My Way
First, this is not directly about art, though I am sure everything I do registers somehow in my art eventually.
This post is about my walking habit, and the pleasure it is giving me. Walking has always been important to me, even when I did not recognize this fact. As a troubled, unhappy, and angry teenager, I would escape my house and walk, sometimes very late at night. I was lucky enough to be in a quiet safe neighborhood, and not in large city…
I have been in the habit of walking regularly for the past couple of years; by this I mean 20-40 minute walks several times a week. But early this year we had a surprising snowfall that remained on the ground for much longer than usual, and I dressed for the weather and went walking!
It was lovely! I was enchanted by the transformation of my neighborhood and the town. Walking familiar streets each day had become an exploration; everything seemed new and different. It made me happy, and I walked for hours instead of for half an hour. This became the start of a new walking plan. My walking goal now is two miles per day, but I often walk a bit further. This has been easy and enjoyable through the summer, but I plan to continue as the weather becomes wetter and colder. I will find the rainproof pants, and the long johns! Walking is making me happy!