A Plaster Head
I made a small plaster head with embedded wire mesh, and it is now coming into its own. I started to enjoy it after I placed it on another art scrap, and arranged an extra bit of wire mesh with it to amuse myself.
Now I have these various parts mounted into more plaster in an old picture frame.I am embellishing the plaster base with low relief carving. I love whittling away at the still damp partially cured plaster using whatever tools are working best. It is all another experiment, but it may prove to be a finished piece with some merit, TBD!
The carved base is not pure white Plaster of Paris, but actually a patching product called Fix-All. It is off-white although not really the distinct tan that appears here. I rubbed some light yellow and pale green pigments on in a few small areas, and there is flesh tone pigment on the much whiter plaster face. I expect to add more colors as I go.
I am adding more wire to secure the head, and this will give it the effect of bindings or chains. A plaster head in my hands is not for sissies!

I posted the center photo of this piece with a request for comments, and I did get a couple of suggestions that I followed up on. You can see some changes to the left side of this work on the final photo above right. I reduced the potential for reflective glare next to the face, and extended the silvery grey to the background plaster. Now I think enough is enough… it is finished.