Adding Collage Elements
Here is another artwork that I started long ago, now completed by adding collage elements. The images left to right: the early version, the new version, and then the final mounting:

I am afraid that the earlier version was already sufficient. It consisted of the watercolor window with cutout trees superimposed, with the tracing of purple shadow painted in.
I may well have cluttered and spoiled it by adding the newest elements: a leaf, a bird, and a crescent moon. But it is done, and now the work is mounted on a chipboard panel eady to hang.
I am currently very discouraged about most of my artwork, so I will put this away and hope that I will like it again later! Wouldn’t it be lovely if someone wanted this. But really that is not very likely. I am doing no marketing here. Although I did sign up for the August studio tour, so maybe I will sell a few pieces then.