Artists Just Want to Have Fun
Sometimes artists just want to have fun! And it is that time for me. I am making silly fun things currently! Making my “mocktails” is totally frivolous: and I enjoy this as fine fun summery project. In a new work I embedded translucent beach pebbles in clear epoxy to make a lighted circle. This is an experiment that could lead to a more serious project, one that is just a wisp of concept. Or then again it may not. Instead I may just make several light fixtures, TBD.
Here you see “Stars in Margaritaville”, both sides of my first circle of stones, and “Not your Mother’s Manhattan”. Fun?

I think I am reacting to the artworks that I completed earlier this year. Making art can be difficult, and sometimes artists just want to have fun.
This year I completed two difficult projects, and it is a relief to be finished with them. These were wonderful but also painful to produce. The subjects of the artworks are disturbing, the topics uncomfortable to consider. I worked with new techniques, and I followed so many steps requiring care and attention. Both pieces are actually triptychs: they each have three parts. So in effect I made six artworks, each very time consuming to complete.
Also I don’t know if my two serious triptychs “work”. By “work” I mean that I don’t know if viewers would be attracted by them. Also would viewers understand and consider the topics the works refer to? Or would they be so disturbed by the references that they will just want to look away?
I may never know, because these pieces may never be displayed. I don’t really know how to find a venue. And I don’t try very hard to show my work. I make a little effort, get no results, and give up… sad!
Anyway I know that I was exhausted and emotionally drained. Now I just want to have fun!