Clearing out the Studio: Clearing, Finishing, and Fumbling
Sometimes it is necessary to clear & clean, especially in the Spring. In the studio that can translate to clearing, finishing, and fumbling while cleaning. I sort through saved “stuff” and try to organize or discard. But everything is art material to a me as a mixed media artist, so this is a major challenge!
And I come across unfinished projects and parts that were never incorporated into a finished artwork. This may be a resin cast figure, an assembly never fully attached, or a set of prints intended as backgrounds for a finished work. The fumbling happens as I move, sort, tidy, and then have to search for that very item that I had in my hands just moments ago!
Please enjoy a view of these two recent efforts from my efforts at clearing, finishing, and fumbling.

I completed both of the above assemblage pieces in the past month. Both feature casts of my “golden boy”: an original carving made many years ago now. It took me some years to decide to cast this little partial figure. I carved golden boy from a large bar of Mexican laundry soap. These are the last two of three cast so far.
I am pleased enough with these two pieces, but not so delighted with my lack of progress clearing out the studio!