Some Sales
All sales are pleasing, but some more than others. Yesterday an excited enthusiastic buyer made me so happy! A buyer who loves one of my favorite pieces reinforces my own love of making art, and tells me that I am communicating with my work. This is delightful, but I also feel some regret.
This sale evoked mixed emotions: pleasure and regret. Already I miss my small drawer work: Jump Rope with the Moon. It is a favorite, very dear to me, and now I can only visit it occasionally! Ah well, I do know that it is truly appreciated. That is a joy.
Here is the piece in question.

While some sales are just a little painful, other sales are more mundane: sales of prints and photos are very pleasing, and without the regret. And sales of other original works are very satisfying, without evoking mixed feelings. My recent open studio weekend generated several modest sales, and I gloating just a little bit!
I do not really miss every work sold, rather I am simply happy to sell perfectly satisfactory works that were labors of love. But there are a few pieces I continue to hold close to my heart, even when I decide I must sell them. Jump Rope with the Moon is definitely one of these pieces.
And after the weekend:

It seems I have made another significant sale following the open studio! I had a follow up visit that may have resulted in a nice sale.
I made a set of three large abstract monoprints some years ago, when a member of Corvidae Press. I was very pleased with these prints, and framed them carefully. All three are often on display in my home or in my studio. These three prints were made on the same day, using ivory ink on a rich black paper. I used some of the same masks & stencils in different arrangements to create three prints with very different feels.
I worked into two of them with some colored pencils, the third is a bold ivory on black. These have been shown and admired, but never sold. However one of them was chosen by friend’s granddaughter as one she would like, and it is to be a birthday present from her grandparents, now confirmed. It does feel easier to let go of this piece, as it is one I have enjoyed for several years.