Is it all too small? too intimate?
So I wonder about my art work … always. Who does it reach? Anyone outside my tiny circle of artist friends? I don’t think so: how could it? Not many people even see it, after all. And most of these (happy) few will not share my particular aesthetic.
And then how well do I manage to realize my aesthetic goals in my work? I am improving, but …?
I am quite my work is too small, too intimate, too :light” for the art world. I am not bold, adventuresome, or innovative in my work. I don’t take issues with other artists, or with art movements, or with art critics: that does not interest me. So my work is doubly unlikely to get any attention.
But perhaps I will eventually gain enough skill and consistency of voice to produce a body of work that may find a place in a gallery or two, and I may even sell a a few pieces at a reasonable price. That would be satisfying, I think… TBD!
But for now, I will enjoy the process, and just having created pieces that continue to satisfy me even a year or more later. That is nice, it really is.