Struggling (It ain’t easy)
1) to create & print a good quality 2nd edition of my 2012 Sketchbook. This is my longest sketchbook, with images drawn directly into the book as mailed, spanning two pages. I scanned it, but did not take the book apart so pages are not square, etc. It is not sufficient to print out the scans! I want a book with all the images, squared, lined up, and looking good! I don’t need an exact copy, but want to keep the sense of the original.
A big problem with this is the limitations of my software: both OpenOffice & LibreOffice will print brochures double-sided BUT it is hard to preview the book layout (left vs. right pages). Which preview, if any, shows me the collated book end view, not the confusing 2-sided print order, or other view.
Worse yet is with the large number of full page images, both products get very slow, & buggy. They do not refresh the screen or preview correctly with a document this size!
2) I have several hazy ideas about a new work that will be a part of my “burials” series, but I am not making fast progress. I have a couple of poorly realized sketches, which I have trouble working on. I will try to focus on various parts, to produce drawings which may be incorporated, or just help me complete, the larger work. But these may have a life of their own instead!