Let’s Make A Red-Tailed Hawk
I have moved on from Let’s Make a Bird to let’s make a better bird, or actually let’s00m Make a red-tailed hawk! After way too many fixes, I have now painted and mounted this experimental bird. It may have started out as a falcon, but it became a red-tailed hawk, and became a better bird for it.

After adding more ferro-cement to improve the shape and balance, I have sealed, painted and mounted my heavy set outdoor sculpture. It is now very stable, has a somewhat realistic shape, and a suggestion of dark red-tailed hawk coloring. It needs a final clear coat or two to become a bit more durable for the great outdoors, then I really will call this finished.
As usual, I don’t have anywhere in mind yet for displaying this bird. It really cannot be in my yard, as I had initially planned; my crows and small birds might just be offended! So this hawk needs a home elsewhere! So I really hope that I will think twice next time, before I decide “let’s make a red-tailed hawk.
My hawk is now out and about, between my house and RoseWind Walk. I think she looks very comfortable there, and she does not upset my crows in the slightest. In fact they laugh and scoff at the thought of being bothered by this lumpish bird statue … they do not see a red-tailed hawk at all!