“Struggle to Rise” Triptych
I am making very halting progress on the “Struggle to Rise” triptych. This work is slow going at the best of times, but with spring coming the garden demands my time.
However I had some fun posing the wire armatures for photos. And I will continue to pose them as I progress with adding “flesh”. I probably will not flesh these figures out completely. At least my current though is leave some wire exposed, and to detail out only in partially for a more ravaged look. Or something like that … !

I imagine a low relief textured base for the three panels, but I also like the idea of using more of my potholes. One possibility is to create the relief in clear or very slightly tinted resin over pothole photo prints. This will be a lot of work, as I think I would need to create full silicone mold the size of the panels. But I could just use the same mold for each panel, making three casts. Each could be tinted differently, and I can embed different items in each one, and I could even alter the mold a bit each time by adding silicone. And of course use different pothole photos for each. Maybe I have a plan, TBD.

Meanwhile the “Struggle to Rise” triptych parts occupy my main work table, and beg for more attention.
The above photo has “flesh” of a permanent material, but the head is only oil based clay, and like our heads, is too fragile! I must make a real head for figure number one, and get on with the next figures.