The Consolation of Play
After art & other life disappointments, or after a time away from my studio, I may need the consolation of play! I often need help to get back to the serious work of making art. And yes, I am often pretty darn serious… and I definitely put in a lot of work on most of my favorite pieces. I have learned that I really need to help myself; although help does occasionally come from friends or family.
I console myself by letting myself play in my studio, or in my yard, with absolutely no expectation of creating “art”. Instead I relax and just have fun, and often the results are fun too, and I make something that I can enjoy for a few months or a few years. Yard art and eye candy happen, or maybe parts that will be incorporated in a multimedia finished artwork. Once in a while magic happens, and something more important and finished will emerge from this playful approach to making things.
Here are some results of the consolation of play.