The Thin Ones Struggle to Rise
Still working very slowly toward a new work which may be called Struggle to Rise. Three armatures are now getting a few more wire bones, and I call them The Thin Ones for now. The Thin Ones Struggle to Rise, and I struggle to decide how to flesh them out! I could stay with the known quantity of Apoxie Sculpt, but that really feels a bit tame.
So what about using paper clay and building up the base and the figures? Or I could try to create somewhat translucent figures using a sort of paper mache with clear acrylic medium, perhaps with rice paper. It could be pretty wonderful to have the wire armature show through in good light. Now that really interests me… but how do I actually do that?

Somehow I am barely managing an hour or two a day on this project, but that will have to be enough for now. There is so much work to be done in the yard and in the home,some visitors to enjoy now as the days lengthen and the weather improves. And of course exercise to be taken daily. My walks always generate photos, and then I must sort, delete, and categorize these for posting and printing.
I have made a fourth, smaller and slightly different, armature in order to experiment with materials. This armature is more rigid, with a predetermined standing position; I did use some Apoxie Fixit to lock it together and cover some sharp ends of wire. The bones are done, so now to add a bit of experimental “flesh” of some sort!
But I make my dimensional hands on art mandatory too, and so the thin ones struggle to rise, and will eventually succeed, I believe.