Armatures Struggle to Rise
I have a tentative plan for my next work, in which three full relief dimensional figures will be mounted on three flat panels. The plan is for three panels that will hang side by side on a wall, with the figures emerging from them.
At the moment I think of this work as “Struggle to Rise”, but that may well change! However there is no doubt that the armatures struggle to rise! I am trying a new very particular method to make 18″ wire armatures, and I am not proficient. My armatures struggle to rise! Two done, one more to go…

And then there were three! I created the third “person” a bit differently, in two halves joined along the spine. I was struggling with twisting, and hoped this would work better. But it was not necessarily easier, as joining them up required considerable care to ensure that the two halves match up correctly for a symmetric result!